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OSS provides all your monitoring needs for any Asbestos & Mould projects big or small.  Sample are collected according to governmental protocols and fibre counted using NIOSH Methodology 7400.   Our office participates in CALA training & Certifications. 

Asbestos & Mould Ambient Air Monitoring

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At OSS we provide noise measurements of any location outlining  high task generated noise levels and in conjunction with personal noise monitoring of client’s employees to determine if any are noise exposed workers.  If  a hearing conservation program is needed we at OSS can help client achieve a program specific to their needs and requirements. 

Noise Dosimetry & Sound Leveling Mapping

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OSS can provide client’s a preliminary survey of their location to determine if NORM exists and where it is.  We also can help client’s with NORM issues as a resource by directing our cleints to use the  assistance of other companies who specialize in the management of NORM.

NORM(Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material)

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OSS can provide the necessary fume-hood assessment of any laboratory to ensure that the hoods are working according to specifications.

Fume Hood

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OSS provides detail reports from ambient air monitoring results from  Industrial Hygiene Surveys outlining finds and recommendations to mediate any concerns coming out of the IH survey. 

OSS can provide  details IH survey reports for client’s who do welding activities at their locations to determine if their workers are over exposure to welding fume & its associated gases. 

Respirable Particulates & Welding Fumes

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At OSS we can help cleints with any of their indoor air environments concerns by providing the monitoring and evaluation of these environments to ensure they are safe for our client’s occupants.  Included in this service is also light surveys if a client’s wishes to evaluate workers working environments to see if the illumination is satisfactory to complete their necessary tasks.  

We at OSS can also look at mercury, Lead, PCB  if there is a indoor air concerns associated with a workplace. 

IAQ Studies

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